Housing Support
Cal Poly Off-Campus Housing Program: Educates students on the off-campus rental search process and provides current list of complexes and rental properties in the area.
Cal Poly Emergency On-Campus Housing: Students in need of immediate housing should complete the Cal Poly Cares Grant Application and email studentsuccess@calpoly.edu for support.

5 Cities Homeless Coalition: Provides wrap-around services including case management and direct financial assistance – with a special emphasis on housing stability. Includes case management program for people aged 18-24.
P.O. Box 558 | Grover Beach, CA 93483 | Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm | (805) 574-1638
People's Self-Help Housing: Affordable housing for families, seniors, veterans, those living with disabilities and people transitioning out of homelessness.
3533 Empleo Street | San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm |(805) 781-3088 | info@pshhc.org
40 Prado Homeless Services Center: 40 Prado Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401| Daily 8:00AM to 2:30PM and 4:30PM to 7:00AM | Lunch: Daily 12:00-12:30PM | Dinner: Daily 5:00-5:30PM | Emergency Shelter Intake: Daily 8:00AM to 2:00PM | Emergency Shelter Check-In: Daily 4:30-6:00PM (Must complete intake first) | 805-544-4004 x2| hotline@capslo.org
ECHO Atascadero: 6370 Atascadero Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 | Hours: M-F 10:00AM to 6:00PM | Dinner: Daily 5:00-6:00PM | Showers: M-F 3:30-5:00PM | 805-462-3663
ECHO Paso Robles: Hours: M-F 10:00AM to 6:00PM | Dinner: Daily 4:30-5:30PM | Showers: M, W, F 3:30-5:00PM | Emergency Shelter Bed Sign-Ups: 4:00-5:00PM | 1134 Black Oak Dr, Paso Robles, CA 93446 | Phone: 805-462-3663
Adverse Weather Center: Provides shelter during times of extreme heat, cold and rain.
211 SLO: A one-stop way to get timely access to health and human services information and referrals 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The phone line is free, confidential, and provides bilingual assistance.
Utility Assistance: Financial Assistance for utility bills and other types of bill assistance.